Friday 8 February 2013


Have you ever feel so aloone? Have you ever thought that no one need you? Oke sedikit lebay sih. But actually, this is the worst feeling i've ever feel till now. Huhu ibu pergi ayah pergi temen main pada sibuk semua yahh. Sampe besok juga >.< sounds silly yah tapi sering banget ngerasaain sesendiri ini. No no i've got enough friends to chat with kalo di bbm twitter and so on. Tapi itu gacukup lah. Chat aja sama simsimi kalo gitu. Isn't it ironic how on days we feel most alone like i-cant-cope-with-it, we isolate myself from the world.

Saat lagi butuh seseorang buat nemenin you, ada disamping you saat itu juga, buat you gelendotin, dengerin cerita you yang gapenting, even he/she doesn't support you with kind of words, tapi asal ada ajaaa seseorang, siaapun itu, udah jadi mental support tersendiri, yakan? Manusia itu....makhluk sosial kan?. But there's no one available to share their times with you. When you have so many stories to tell, but nobody wants to listen your story Like you weren't needed.. apaperlu i tweet "feel so alone" di twitter even no one notice :'( najis lebay. Kesian banget nih si forever alone atu aakakakakak.

Atau disini, gue yang salah. Gue, gue yang labil, gue yang gabisa bersosialisasi, gue yang emang aslinya gapunya temen or orang terdekat yah. Shud i pay 50$ for curhat sama psikolog? lagi lagi berlebihan dalam berkata, Allysa. Mungkin ada yang udah pernah nonton "The Perks of Being Wallflower"? atau udah baca novelnya? Ya, kadang gue ngerasa kaya si Charlie. You see things, you keep quiet about them. And you understandthat's sooooooooooooo me, sometimes. Oh ya you can call me a-semi-introvert-puberty-girl. I kud be so quite sometimes, and lucky you (or mampus lo) if i kud said anything that comes thru my head, to ya without being shy~

Yaudalah ya gausah lebay, orang orang sibuk ngurusin yang lebih penting daripada loe. Cuma dua hari ini (or more) belom ngekos, makin gada yang notice lo juga sih, sok penting abis hiduplo, wey.

Udah lah, btw hari ini hari terakhir ujian praktik. Karena ujian praktik gue jadi sering banget ketemu sama si mr.a walaupun kita beda kelas. Blog, todayy, he looked really cute did his biology task with his glasses on (: i knew, this feeling wasn't love, its just you likes someone, somuch. I just feel happy wherever i see him. Bahagia totally sederhana, guys. Oh sure, i still have crush on you, everytime i see you mr.a (: semoga tercapai deh cita citanya jadi dokter. Next, sukses uas dan un for us yaa hehe :D

Anyway, i really shud say THANKS to anyone who created this thingy thing called blogger yang dari jaman rhoma irama masih sibuk manggung udah bantu mencurahkan semua hal hal tersampah di dunia ini. Salam hangat, manusia sampah. Xo

People change, friends leave. But life doesn't stop for anybody. -"The Perks of Being Wallflower"

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